Proposed Suno Updates – 02/28/2024
I’ve been using the Suno AI platform to create songs for awhile, but recently I’ve signed up for Suno Pro and I’m trying to build a project with it. A few things have been frustrating me as I use the software, and I’m hoping to give a few simple thoughts on what features might help… I would’ve written a tweet (or an X… if that’s what you call it) but I figured it might just all run into one big world soup… so I’m doing it like this! And maybe someone who works for Suno will actually see this and implement it into future builds!
- Put Bumpers On Each Song
This would be a great feature and would go far into helping this software. I hope I am saying it right, but basically every song you create with Suno starts when the words start and end before the last word has time to resonate. If you’re lucky, you may get a little bit before and/or after, but it’d just be nice to have that extra room so you can put a song together with multiple files (which is a nice feature Suno has!)
2. Give People The Option Of Length
This seems like an feature you are working on… the point is… you have a certain length that each song generation can be: one minute… two minutes… and I’m sure it’ll increase with software iterations. I’d like to see… at some point… giving you the option to chose how long the generation will go. There have been times that I’ve wanted a 30 – 45 second clip but only ever seem to get a 20 second clip or less!
3. Make It Easier To Visualize A Project
It is difficult to really figure out what you’re doing in the program if your intention is to do more than have the AI randomly generate a song for you. I know you can do it… but it’s hard to keep track of everything. I don’t really know how difficult all of this coding is but it’s a bit difficult to know what I’m looking at… especially when looking at a multi-part song project. It’d be more accessible with one place for each project that would update and tell where you are in the song.
4. Continue A Song From Where You Left Off
I do know you can continue a song and export the full thing altogether, but I just wanted to suggest that you could make it so that when you do select Continue a Song, the AI continues to generate the song from where it left off instead of redoing the song from the beginning, so you end up repeating parts that are already in the final mix.
I also want to suggest that you make a Continue Song button because… well… it’d just be cleaner.
I don’t know how possible any of these features are and I don’t even know if this’ll reach anyone at Suno. I hope it does… and I hope they can and do put my suggestions into action. I do like the software and you can really create your own music which is fantastically liberating!
If you wanna give it a try, you can set up a fee account at!