There was a Mi-Go with wings like a bat
Whose love life was rather quite flat
But then he met a creature most rare
With tentacles that made him stop and stare
And they flew off together, a strange love that
In the city of Arkham, a horror did dwell
Whose love life was a personal hell
But then she met a creature most strange
Whose tentacles did her heart arrange
And now they live happily in their own peculiar spell
Artist’s Comments: I’ve never actually read any of H.P Lovecraft’s works so I cannot really say how accurate either the Midjourney or ChatGPT AI is on this is but I do notice that a lot of these images do seem to look similar. I don’t really know if there’s much calling for this… it’s a bit of an obscure topic and I made it even more obscure by making the poems about romance but I am surprised that I got real results that aren’t bad!